Инновационные и смелые решения

Компания SERAPID уже давно стремится к постоянному внедрению инноваций в дизайн продукции, а также обеспечивает лидерство в развитии инженерной практики во всем мире. Мы являемся оригинальным приводом Rigid Chain, постоянно инвестируя в исследования и разработки, благодаря чему мы всегда первыми выводим на рынок новые инновации и усовершенствования.



timeline 1972 - История компании

SERAPID founded in Dieppe, France.

SERAPID invented and developed a technology for the movement of heavy loads, Rigid Chain Technology (RCT), offering unequalled precision, compactness and reliability. From the outset, the company designed products and tailor-made solutions to solve the problems of automotive manufacturers, and then quickly expanded into the nuclear and aerospace markets. Electro-mechanical actuators prove to be a revolutionary technology in the liner transfer and lifting of heavy loads worldwide.

1980 - 1990

timeline 1980 - История компании

 SERAPID expands operations in Europe and USA

In parallel to its geographic expansion, SERAPID adapted, innovated and evolved its product for new markets. Rigid Chain technology proved to be an exceptionally versatile innovation and demand was growing exponentially. The US market in particular was growing at a fast rate which would eventually lead to a US headquarters being founded.


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SERAPID USA Founded in Sterling Heights, MI

SERAPID launches a headquarters in the USA to meet demand for engineering, design, manufacturing and installation of Rigid Chain systems throughout the country and North America. The thriving automotive manufacturing industry and metal stamping industry find unique new ways to harness the power of SERAPID systems and increase efficiency and productivity, revolutionizing the industry.


timeline 1994 - История компании

SERAPID introduces the LinkLift standard product.

The LinkLift is specially designed to meet the needs of theatre and performance venues, quickly becoming the industry standard due to it's smooth, quiet movement. Today, thousands of sites all over the world use this technology to move stages, platforms, modular venue configurations, and quick seat exchange.


timeline 2009 - История компании

In 2009 SERAPID developed the RigiBelt, a non-metallic belt designed for medical applications.


SERAPID Truck Lift for Amore Pacific in South Korea

SERAPID: Building Dynamics sector created to develop new engineering solutions for kinetic architecture.

Building Dynamics or Kinetic Architecture, opens a field of possibilities for building design. Rigid Chain Technology can be used for moving a structural element such as a wall or roof, as well as raising or lowering a truck, car or goods lift. Electro-Mechanical actuators are a perfectly suited for these tasks with high weight limits and long stroke distances.


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SERAPID Leadership Transition

After three decades under Mr. Saïd LOUNIS' leadership, the SERAPID Group has been handed over to Emeric LABESSE and Guillaume DAVIES, who now serve as President-CEO and Director General-COO. Committed to continuity, they aim to advance the company based on its core principles of innovation and team excellence. The transition involves a partnership with the LBO France investor group, and Mr. Saïd Lounis retains a stake in SERAPID, ensuring ongoing involvement with the company.


SERAPID Singapore

Establishment of SERAPID Singapore Pte Ltd

SERAPID opens in Singapore, with Robert Degenkolb joining the organization as Managing Director, establishing a stronger regional presence in Asia regarding installations, service and support.


Lift Systems - История компании

SERAPID Lift Systems launches in Germany, focused on car, truck, goods, freight, people and specialty lifts. 

SERAPID Lifts are EN17206 and EN81 compliant, offering the advantage of having no machine room, minimal pit depth, and eliminating the need for hydraulic oil. The SERAPID products Vertical LinearBeam and LinkLift are designed with guides and intermediate frames to create lift systems capable of handling extremely heavy loads at nearly any height.


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SERAPID Celebrates 50th Anniversary 

SERAPID has been a leader in the linear motion, lifting, and movements of heavy loads for over 50 years. These years of experience have led to a deep understanding and knowledge of engineering and design using electro-mechanical actuators. Rigid Chain technology has proven to not only be effective, but a green technology choice for improving the global environment for the future. Here is to 50 more succesful years of SERAPID and Rigid Chain Technology!

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