Use cases Industrial Handling Nuclear Horizontal fuel transfer to pools

Horizontal fuel transfer to pools

The pools in the reactor building (BR) and the fuel storage building (BK) are connected by a transfer tube to unload and load the reactor fuel. This tube is fitted with a cart used to transfer fuel elements between the BR and the BK; this operation is carried out underwater. The compact and telescopic SERAPID rigid […]

Location: Flamanville (76), France

Characteristics :

17 metres
Pushing force:
250 daN
250 mm/sec
350 cycles / year

The pools in the reactor building (BR) and the fuel storage building (BK) are connected by a transfer tube to unload and load the reactor fuel. This tube is fitted with a cart used to transfer fuel elements between the BR and the BK; this operation is carried out underwater.

The compact and telescopic SERAPID rigid chain provided significant space saving compared to a traditional push/pull system, and therefore made it possible to make substantial savings in the pool design.

The equipment - specific chain, drive casing and chain guides - is manufactured in stainless steel for underwater use.

Outside handling phases, the transfer tube is shut by a valve, nothing must obstruct the duct. The SERAPID telescopic rigid chain is fully stowable and therefore leaves the duct free to be shut.

SERAPID know-how and its 40 years of experience in rigid chains allows it to fulfil specific requirements in constrained environments. The SERAPID design office adapts products and designs solutions to meet the specific and demanding constraints of the nuclear industry. Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss your projects.

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